Judith S. Kaye: The Great Reformer
The Honorable Jonathan Lippman
Judge Kaye’s 1991 Solomnic Dissent in Allison D. v. Virginia M.
Sylvia A. Law
The Dissent that Paved the Way to Equal Dignity: Chief Judge Judith S. Kaye’s Dissent in Hernandez
Roberta A. Kaplan
Rules that Work “on the Ground”: Judith Kaye’s Approach to the Law of Lawyering
Stephen Gillers
Chief Judge Kaye’s Dynamic Legacy
Helen Hershkoff
Chief Judge Kaye: Improving the Pace and Integrity of Litigation
Oscar G. Chase, David L. Ferstendig
Chief Judge Kaye’s Legacy of Innovation and Access to Justice
Helaine M. Barnett
Chief Judge Kaye as Model
Trevor W. Morrison, Julie B. Ehrlich
Professor Ronald Dworkin
Jeremy Waldron, Lewis A. Kornhauser, The Honorable Stephen Breyer, T.M. Scanlon, Rebecca L. Brown, Liam Murphy, Robert B. Silvers, Thomas Nagel
Last year, the NYU community lost an intellectual giant in Professor Ronald Dworkin. The school and the Law Review joined together to honor Professor Dworkin’s writings, ideas, and of course, his legendary colloquia. Academics, philosophers, and judges gathered to pay tribute. In the pages that follow, we proudly publish written versions of those tributes.1 The ceremony closed with a short video clip of one of Professor Dworkin’s last speeches, titled Einstein’s Worship. His words provide a fitting introduction:
“We emphasize—we should emphasize—our responsibility, a responsibility shared by theists and atheists alike, a responsibility that we have in virtue of our humanity to think about these issues, to reject the skeptical conclusion that it’s just a matter of what we think and therefore we don’t have to think. We need to test our convictions. Our convictions must be coherent. They must be authentic; we must come to feel them as our convictions. But when they survive that test of responsibility, they’ve also survived any philosophical challenge that can be made. In that case, you burnish your convictions, you test your convictions, and what you then believe, you better believe it. That’s what I have to say about the meaning of life. Tomorrow: the universe.”