
News & Events

October 23rd, 2019

NYU Law Review Presents a Lunchtime Series on The Anatomy of Racism and Inequality

The Center on Race, Inequality, and the Law and the NYU Law Review are pleased to present a lunchtime series on The Anatomy of Racism and Inequality. Racism infects the way policies are developed and applied at all levels of government. It infiltrates our laws, institutions, and systems, resulting in enduring racial inequities. This series will explore the use of the law as a tool to foster, sustain, confront, and address racial inequality in education, housing, democracy, and the criminal legal system. The series will focus on understanding the source, nature, and impact of racial inequality with an eye toward providing a framework and vision that incorporates and develops emerging strategies—legal and otherwise—to challenge race-based inequality. The series will feature three panels with distinguished experts, academics, legal practitioners, and policymakers that will address some of the manifestations of racial inequality. Selected articles from the series will be published in the NYU Law Review Online.

Please RSVP here.

  1. The Anatomy of Racism and Inequality: The United States: Separate and Unequal

October 28, 2019, 12:30 to 2:00 pm, Lester Pollack Colloquium

W.E.B. Du Bois famously predicted that the “the problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color-line.”  The same is true of the 21st century.  Race continues to impact every aspect of life in America, and racism remains a potent driver of unequal opportunity and outcomes.  The panelists will explore the impact of racism in areas including education, housing, community development, and economic opportunity, and explore how advocates can disrupt and ultimately eradicate the systems that disadvantage people of color.


Mehrsa Baradaran, UC Irvine School of Law

Richard R. Buery, The KIPP Foundation

Dennis D. Parker, The National Center for Law and Economic Justice

Kim Sweet, Advocates for Children

Phil Tegeler, The Poverty and Race Research Action Council

Moderated by Russell K. Robinson, University of California, Berkeley School of Law


  1. The Anatomy of Racism and Inequality: Race and an Exclusionary American Democracy 

November 4, 2019, 12:30 to 2:00 pm, Lester Pollack Colloquium

This panel will explore how racial identity has colored American democracy and political participation.  Panelists will discuss how racism, xenophobia, and religious intolerance have impacted public conceptions of who is an American, and therefore who has the right to vote and otherwise participate in the nation’s political life.  The panelists will also consider contemporary efforts to expand and restrict active engagement in the democratic process including discriminatory redistricting efforts, voter ID laws, and felon disenfranchisement.


Khaled Beydoun, University of Detroit Mercy School of Law

Atiba Ellis, Marquette University Law School

Ryan Haygood, New Jersey Institute of Social Justice

Danielle Lang, Campaign Legal Center

Myrna Perez, Brennan Center for Justice

Moderated by Vincent Southerland, Center on Race, Inequality, and the Law, NYU School of Law,

  1. The Anatomy of Racism and Inequality: Examining Racial Inequality in the Criminal Legal System

November 15, 2019, 12:30 to 2:00 pm, Lester Pollack Colloquium

Nowhere is racism more clearly ingrained than in our criminal legal system—the United States incarcerates more people than any other country in the world, the vast majority of whom are people of color. This panel will examine origins of structural injustice and racial inequality in the criminal legal system, and efforts to remedy biased and discriminatory decisionmaking by actors in the system, including the advent and adoption of technology and algorithmic tools. Panelists will also explore the collateral consequences of involvement with the criminal legal system, including the effect of criminal convictions on access to housing, employment, and education.


Deborah N. Archer, NYU School of Law

ReNika Moore, ACLU Racial Justice Program

Michael Pinard, University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law

Vincent Southerland, Center on Race, Inequality, and the Law, NYU School of Law

Christina Swarns, Office of the Appellate Defender

Moderated by Alexis J. Hoag, Eric H. Holder Initiative for Civil & Political Rights, Columbia Law School

October 9th, 2019

NYU Law Review Presents “Prisoners of Politics: Breaking the Cycle of Mass Incarceration” on October 21st

The Symposium held jointly by the NYU Law Review and the Center on the Administration of Criminal Law will discuss some of the issues in Professor Rachel Barkow’s recent book, Prisoner of Politics: Breaking the Cycle of Mass Incarceration, and will examine the pathological politics of criminal justice and how this has contributed to our current mass incarceration problem. Panelists will discuss specific examples of counterproductive criminal justice policies that were enacted in response to these broken politics, and how these policies actually fail to make us safer; discrete reforms that target how prosecutors exercise their power and discretion; the creation and/or consultation of administrative and expert agency reforms to help change decision-making and policy analysis in the criminal justice space; and a discussion of recent case law suggesting that judges can and should play a greater role in improving criminal justice outcomes, as well as a discussion focused on the need for judicial diversity at the state and federal levels. The keynote speaker for the symposium will be Shon Hopwood from Georgetown University School of Law.

Monday, October 21st, 8:30am to 3:30pm

Greenberg Lounge, Vanderbilt Hall

40 Washington Square South

Register here  (Registration is required for an accurate headcount)

April 8th, 2019

2019 Journal Awards Announced

We are proud to announce the winners of the annual journal awards!

Paul D. Kaufman Memorial Award
The graduating student who has written the most outstanding note for the Law Review

  • Morgan A. McCollum, Local Government Plaintiffs and the Opioid Multi-District Litigation

Judge Rose L. & Herbert Rubin Law Review Prize
The graduating student who has written the most outstanding note for the Law Review in International, Commercial, or Public Law

  • Meghan Racklin, Title IX and Criminal Law on Campus: Against Mandatory Police Involvement in Campus Sexual Assault Case
  • James J. Mayer, Rejecting the Class Action Tolling Forfeiture Rule

Edmond Cahn Award
A third-year editor other than a senior editor who has contributed to the Law Review in an outstanding fashion

  • Loren M. Scolaro

Morton Geller Award
A third-year editor other than a senior editor who has contributed to the Law Review in an outstanding fashion

  • James M. Brennan
  • Morgan A. McCollum
October 31st, 2018

NYU Law Review Presents the “Data Law in a Global Digital Economy” Symposium on November 9th

This symposium, held jointly by the NYU Law Review, the Guarini Institute for Global Legal Studies and the Institute for International Law and Justice at NYU School of Law, will examine how law does, should, or can affect data ownership, concentration, and control in a global digital economy. The symposium will take a conceptual approach to the law of data by confronting emerging issues in the global digital economy through analyses grounded in foundational legal concepts such as contracting, torts, property, trusts/fiduciary law, and more specialized areas of international economic law such as antitrust, tax, and trade law. The symposium will not be centrally focused on detailed analysis of intellectual property law or information privacy law, which already occupy a core place in scholarship on data law, although these areas of law may certainly figure where relevant to concepts and regulatory and structural arguments. Commentators with particular additional expertise will enrich the symposium. We are confident that this symposium will make a significant contribution to the foundations of an important and fast-developing field.

Friday, November 9th, 8:30AM-7:00PM

Greenberg Lounge, Vanderbilt Hall

40 Washington Square South

Register here: 

More information:

February 5th, 2018

NYU Law Review Opens for Article Submissions on February 6, 2018

The New York University Law Review will begin considering Articles for the spring selection cycle on February 6, 2018. We accept submissions by Scholastica only. For more information on our selection requirements, please see our Submissions page.

November 15th, 2017

Presidential Nominations Process Symposium Videos

Panel One – A Historical and Comparative Look at Nominations Systems

Benjamin Ginsberg, Partner, Jones Day

Paper Presenters:
John Frederick Martin, Partner, Bancroft Private Equity

Richard Pildes, Sudler Family Professor of Constitutional Law, NYU School of Law

Panel Two – The 2016 Experience: Rules, Parties, and the Media

Beth Myers, Co-Founder, Esplanade Strategies

Paper Presenters:
Bob Bauer, Professor of Practice and Distinguished Scholar in Residence, NYU School of Law

William Mayer, Professor of Political Science, Northeastern University

Panel Three – Thinking About Reform

Donna F. Edwards, former U.S. Representative, Maryland’s 4th Congressional District (2008-2017)

Paper Presenters:
Elaine Kamarck, Director of the Center for Effective Public Management, The Brookings Institution

Bruce Cain, Professor of Political Science, Stanford University

Keynote Address

Bill Bradley, former US Senator for NJ (1979-1997) and candidate for the Democratic nomination for President (2000).

Event Poster

October 4th, 2017

NYU Law Review Presents “The Presidential Nominations Process” Symposium on November 2nd

In the 2016 election, two independent political figures—Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders—rose to prominence on strong populist, anti-establishment, and, to some extent, anti-party profiles. One did so with no prior government experience. Yet, for long stretches of our history, these outcomes would have been inconceivable under our presidential primary system. The NYU Law Review’s symposium will examine whether and how to redesign one of the most important features in American democracy: the legal structure through which presidential nominees are selected.

Thursday, November 2nd, 8:30AM-7:00PM

Greenberg Lounge, Vanderbilt Hall

40 Washington Square South

RSVP here:

Event Poster