Yes, we’re currently open for Article submissions!
Article Submission Guidelines
We accept submission of unsolicited Articles via Scholastica. We no longer accept print submissions by e-mail or by postal service.
We consider each manuscript we receive using an extensive review process, which can take several weeks. In the past, some authors have been faced with the pressure of having to make a decision about an offer from another journal before we are able to complete our review process. If you have received an offer of publication from another journal, please request expedited review of your submission via your author submissions account on Scholastica, and our editors will be immediately notified of your deadline. Please note, however, that because of our extensive review process, any submission that is expedited for a date less than one week from when you seek expedited review may be disadvantaged. Expedited review provides your piece with no competitive advantage in our process.
Content Requirements
Length: The Law Review is committed to publishing work that is concise and readable. We strongly encourage submissions of fewer than 25,000 words, including footnotes (roughly 50 journal pages). For submissions that exceed this limitation, length will be a factor that weighs significantly against acceptance of the manuscript.
Citations: Citations must conform to the Twenty-First Edition of The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation. Failure to conform to the The Bluebook will be a factor that weighs significantly against acceptance of the manuscript.
Abstract: Please include a short abstract with your submission.
Data: The Law Review is committed to ensuring the reliability, transparency, and replicability of the empirical studies it publishes. The Journal values the contributions of empirical and experimental studies to the legal literature, and accordingly takes special care to ensure transparency and reproducibility in papers that use methodologies typically employed by the social sciences. In line with this, authors of such papers are expected to provide any datasets and experimental procedures not included in the text of the paper to the Law Review for publication on our website, unless an exception is made prior to acceptance. Authors are expected to provide the Law Review with these materials before the printing phase of our production schedule. Where possible, we encourage authors to also make their data and code publicly available. Please note that we are able to consider the piece more quickly if the files are provided at the time of submission.
In support of this commitment, the Law Review signed a Joint Law Review Statement on Data and Code Transparency alongside other leading law journals.
Student Authors
The Law Review encourages students to submit online features. However, it does not consider student submissions for Articles if the sole author is a current J.D. student (at New York University School of Law or elsewhere). We will consider Articles co-authored by J.D. students if one of the co-authors is not a current J.D. student.
Institutions can create accounts to pay for their authors’ submissions to Scholastica, so authors affiliated with law schools will have the same payment experience they have had on ExpressO. Scholastica is committed to ensuring that authors are able to submit articles regardless of institutional support and will consider requests for fee waivers and other accommodations at Additional information about Scholastica is available at
NYU Law Review Online
The NYU Law Review Online accepts and encourages submissions that are concise, timely, and accessible to readers outside of legal academia. The Online team seeks pieces by students, practitioners, and established legal scholars alike, and aims to publish them more quickly than print Articles. We publish two general formats: Online Features and Forum entries.
Online Features
The Law Review Online publishes Features similar in format to print Articles but shorter and accessible to readers outside of legal academia. Our hope is for Online Features to develop substantial ideas at a length that readers can digest, for example, on their daily commute. To that end, we consider submissions between 5,000 and 15,000 words.
Although Online Features will not be printed, they are made available on HeinOnline, Westlaw, and Lexis.
Submit to New York University Law Review Online via Scholastica or email to our Senior Online Editor, Shawn Young, at
The Law Review Online also publishes Forum entries of up to 5,000 words. Forum content has a more colloquial style than traditional print scholarship, and the journal encourages submissions with unique voices. Submissions should present a novel idea or perspective on a topical issue of law. Examples of pieces we publish include analyses of recent court decisions, op-ed styled critiques of legal doctrines, quick responses to other pieces of scholarship, and briefly worded approaches to legal issues that you feel are rising in importance.
While we ensure our publications are accurately substantiated, Forum posts are published without footnotes. Instead, our editors embed hyperlinks in the text. Authors are welcome to include either footnotes or hyperlinks in their submissions.
Submit to New York University Law Review Online via Scholastica or email to our Senior Online Editor, Shawn Young, at