

Democracy and Law


State Law and Federal Elections After Moore v. Harper

Carolyn Shapiro

Revisiting Rucho‘s Dissent: Percolation and Federalization

Gerald S. Dickinson

State Constitutions, Fair Redistricting, and Republican Party Entrenchment

Robinson Woodward-Burns

Movement Judges

Brandon Hasbrouck

Textual Gerrymandering: The Eclipse of Republican Government in an Era of Statutory Populism

William N. Eskridge, Jr., Victoria F. Nourse

Answering the Lochner Objection: Substantive Due Process and the Role of Courts in a Democracy

Douglas NeJaime, Reva B. Siegel

The Illusion of Permanence: Post-Trump America, Rome, and the Challenges of Restoration

Adam Littlestone-Luria
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