
News & Events

November 19th, 2012

Law Review Members Advance in Marden Moot Court Competition

We congratulate N.Y.U. Law Review members Yotam Barkai, Amelia Frenkel, Zoey Orol, Julie Simeone, and Theresa Troupson for advancing to the Spring Semi-Final Round of the annual Orison S. Marden Moot Court Competition. Julie Simeone was also selected as the winner of the Albert Podell Award for Best Oral Advocate. The Marden Competition is hosted by the NYU Law Moot Court Board. Each competitor briefed a novel issue of appellate law and argued both sides of the issue before panels of judges. Based on their combined brief and oral argument score, twelve competitors advanced to the Spring Semi-Final Round.

November 12th, 2012

Launch of N.Y.U. Law Review Online

Today, the N.Y.U. Law Review is proud to announce the launch of the N.Y.U. Law Review Online, the journal’s new online supplement. This  site will provide a forum for dynamic legal commentary published on a more expedited basis than the typical Law Review production schedule permits.The supplement will publish original content on a continuous basis, and will feature essays, responses, lectures, and other forms of legal scholarship. For more information on how to submit pieces to the N.Y.U. Law Review Online, visit our Submissions page.

The first edition of the N.Y.U. Law Review Online features a debate among scholars of comparative constitutional law surrounding David Law and Mila Versteeg’s June 2012 N.Y.U. Law Review Article, The Declining Influence of the U.S. ConstitutionSujit Choudhry, Vicki Jackson, and Zachary Elkins, Tom Ginsburg, and James Melton have written responses to this piece, and David Law and Mila Versteeg have written a rejoinder. We hope that you find this dialogue as engaging as we do, and enjoy this new outlet for years to come.

October 19th, 2012

Young Alumni Happy Hour

The N.Y.U. Law Review Alumni Committee hosted a happy hour for the Editorial Boards of classes ’08 through ’12 on Friday, October 19. It was a great opportunity to reconnect with old colleagues and meet our current members. If you would like to be involved with future Law Review Alumni events, please contact us at

October 12th, 2012

Welcome Class of 2014

The N.Y.U. Law Review is proud to welcome its newest members from the NYU Law Class of 2014, the Staff Editors of Volumes 87-88. For a full list of Staff Editors, see the current masthead.

2014 Class NYU

September 21st, 2012

Law Review Members Recognized for IRC Work

We are proud to recognize N.Y.U. Law Review members Anthony Enriquez, Mae Nguyen, Natasha Rivera-Silber, and Kevin Terry for their work with the Immigrant Rights Clinic, which was recently featured in this New York Law Journal article. In the words of a judge who was quoted for the article: “What this clinic is trying to do is ensure that this generation of immigrants has the opportunity to thrive in this country and make this country even greater.”

September 13th, 2012

Reisch Recognized by Third Circuit

Nikki Reisch (Articles Editor ‘12) was lauded for her “exceptional oral advocacy” by Chief Judge McKee of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit at FN 29 in Oliva-Ramos v. Att’y Gen., 2012 WL 4017478 (3d Cir. Sept. 13, 2012). Ms. Reisch and Stephen Kang (Notes Editor ’11) represented the petitioner pro bono as part of the Immigrant Rights Clinic, seeking to have his removal order vacated and the case remanded. The court granted the petition, vacated the removal order, and held that the exclusionary rule may apply in removal proceedings where an alien shows egregious violations of the Fourth Amendment that might transgress notions of fundamental fairness and undermine the probative value of the evidence obtained. We congratulate them on their victory.

September 1st, 2012

Alumni Clerk for Supreme Court

N.Y.U. Law Review alumni have been selected to clerk for the Supreme Court during the 2012-2013 term. Brian Burgess (Senior Articles Editor ’09) will be clerking for Justice Sonia Sotomayor and Ian Samuel (Articles Editor ’08) will be clerking for Justice Antonin Scalia. Rebecca Stone (Articles Editor ’09) recently finished her term as a clerk for Justice Stephen Breyer during the 2011-2012 term. Read more here.

August 31st, 2012

Orol Note Recognized

Professor Alfred Brophy recommended Zoey Orol’s Note, Reading the Early American Legal Profession: A Study of the First American Law Review on the Faculty Lounge Blog. Professor Brophy called it “a very exciting piece,” and said that he thinks we “need more of these kinds of studies.” You can read the note here.